We apply the highest quality assurance standards, and every written product is closely examined before it is released to our customers. Our Quality Assurance department is staffed with detail oriented folks who work hard to ensure that your documents are complete, original, and that your instructions have been followed to the letter.
Perhaps the most important role in our QA department is the editor. Our editors review every text, article, blog post, or other order before it is released to the customer. They ensure that the written work meets the following standards:
It is free from spelling or grammar errors.
The citation format is correct, and all citations have been properly made.
The length, font type, and other details are correct.
The proper number of sources have been used.
The customer’s instructions have been followed.
Requested sources and uploaded materials have been used.
Other quality assurance team members go over each order and final files as well. Their goal is to ensure that everything the customer has ordered is finished and ready to go. These team members also use plagiarism scanning software to ensure that all work is completely original. If the customer has requested an originality report, they prepare that for them as well.
In order to business with our clients, we have to collect and store a variety of personally identifying information. We understand that privacy concerns are an important issue. As a way of respecting these concerns, we have taken several steps to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer information.
Use of Customer Information
We only use customer information to conduct business with our clients and to provide them with the best possible service. This includes informing them of special offers. We do not sell, lease, or give identifying customer information to any third party without the express consent of the customer or court order. We also provide customers with the means to opt out of receiving communications from us that do not relate directly to orders they have placed with us or other necessary business. Customers may also request that their information be deleted at any time. All customer data is stored on secured servers.
We work hard to maintain discretion and confidentiality. First, we never reveal the nature of our relationship to any of our clients. Even our billing statements are created in a way that obscure the fact that our customers are using a writing service. We’ve also created a secure customer portal so that communications between BeGraded and our customers is always confidential.
We understand that everyone has concerns about financial exploitation on the internet. We’ve all read stories of compromised financial data. At BeGraded, we want customers to know that we understand and respect their concerns. This is why we offer multiple secure payment options, and why we work with a third party provider to process payments using SSL encryption.
By implementing these protocols, we can ensure that the likelihood of our customer’s financial data being breached is extremely low. In fact, because we use a third party provider, undergo regular security audits, and continually upgrade our security solutions, customers can feel safe placing orders with us. To put things into perspective, you are just as safe placing an online order for writing services with us as you are ordering a new outfit from your favorite online retailer.
Finally, we respect the fact that there are some consumers who simply are not comfortable with using their debit or credit card to make online payments. Because of this, we accept PayPal and bank transfers. This ensures that customers can make payment without exposing their personal financial data. In the future, we will continue to explore other, secure, payment options. When we find solutions that have been proven to be safe and secure, we will adopt those solutions.